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At Connect Northshore, we believe in the power of community. We understand the importance of feeling safe, seen, and supported, not just in designated safe spaces, but also in the businesses we patronize every day. That's why we've created the Queer Business Index Score, a comprehensive directory of local businesses that grades them on how LGBTQIA+-friendly they are.

Our Queer Business Index Score evaluates local businesses from grades A to F, based on their policies, practices, and overall inclusivity towards the LGBTQIA+ community. It provides a clear, objective measure of a business's commitment to inclusivity and respect. This index empowers you, our community, to make informed choices about the businesses you support.

The grades are determined by multiple factors, including non-discriminatory policies, support for LGBTQIA+ employees, representation in leadership, inclusivity in customer service, and active participation in LGBTQIA+ advocacy.

Our aim is to celebrate the businesses that truly embody inclusivity, and to encourage all businesses to strive for a higher standard of support and respect for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Together, we can create a community that is not just inclusive, but proudly and actively supports all its members.

Directory Coming Soon